Tag Archives | math video

Nature By Numbers
Because I’m a math teacher as well as a mom, my friends send me lots of math goodies via social media. Some are neat. Some are annoying. And some are thought provoking. For the most part, they show various number theory concepts that make a math mom think, “I wonder why that works.” This, however, is truly beautiful. Enjoy it yourself. Show it to your kids. And understand a little more about the theory behind Nature by Numbers here. How about you… What are your thoughts on this video? And what other beautiful things have you found that you share with your kids? Contributed by Bon Crowder, math mom and education fanatic, who helps grown-ups see math in their everyday world so they can help their kids have a positive attitude in math. Check out her blog MathFour.com for various articles on math learning. Or head over to That’s Math to see more specific ways to see and say math using everyday things.