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Tools that Make Creative School Lunches Easy!

Tools that make Creative Lunches Easy!

Are you already tired of making the same school lunch each day?  Have you seen creative lunches on Pinterest, but don’t know where to start? Lucky for us, making cool lunches can be easy with the right tools!

1. Bento Box– Start with a fun lunch box! The Bento Box allows you to provide several different kinds of food in 1 reusable container.

2. Utensils– If kids get to eat with fun utensils, the lunch is usually a winner!​ Try out Food Picks, Beginner Chopsticks or just fun spoons and forks.

Tools that make Creative Lunches Easy!

3. Food Coloring– Food Coloring adds a little fun to rice and cream cheese. It also comes in the form of Food Markers that can be used to draw on sandwiches, tortillas and more.

4. Sandwich Punches– If you are going to make a sandwich, you can make it fun with a Sandwich Cutter. It works best with sticky sandwiches, like a peanut butter and jelly.  With 1 simple step, the plain old sandwich can turn into a car, plane or crown!

​5. Cute Cut Outs, Nori Punch, Scissors and accessories – To finish off the cute lunch, you might need a little face or shape or accessory. For little rice balls, a Nori Punch makes the perfect sized face. And for fun shaped carrots and cucumbers, use Vegetable Cutters. Kitchen Scissors come in handy when you need to cut a shape out of the quesadilla, nori or sandwich.

Tools that make Creative Lunches Easy!

​6. Notes – Even if you don’t do anything else, a personalized note can make lunch very special. You can write a love note or you can practice spelling words.  Either way, it will be a nice way to share some love in the middle of the school day.


Reshared by Jill from her Big Kid Small City blog

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