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Teddy Bear Toast

Teddy Bear Toast

Source: MinieCo

When choosing snacks for our children, it’s important to consider nutritional value, but also to incorporate some fun! Clever creations like this one can help make those fruits and veggies more desirable for our little ones. Teddy Bear Toast is a great example!

What you will need:
-2 slices of wholegrain bread (or any bread of your choice)
-6 medium banana slices
-6 raisins
-1 teaspoon toast topping of your choice (butter, peanut butter, honey etc.)

Toast both slices of bread and spread your toast topping of choice on both slices. Place one banana slice on each top corner of toast for the ears, and one banana slice just below the center of the toast for the nose. Place two raisins above the nose, as eyes, and one raisin on the middle banana slice to complete the nose. Serve this FUN and HEALTHY snack to your child!

Via: MinieCo

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