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Quandary: Teaching Empathy through Digital Gaming


Source: KQED

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. The new game Quandary designed by MIT’s Education Arcade and the Learning Games Network, is designed to teach 3rd-8th grade children empathy and other ethics.

While games can’t do all the teaching when it comes to ethics, this game is designed to get players to think critically about their next moves. It consists of a captain, aka an earth resident, who has colonized the planet of Braxos. The captain/player is responsible of making the decisions that will affect the crew and Braxos community. They must thoroughly investigate different characters, and categorize findings into facts, solutions and opinions. If the captain fails to get enough information to solve the problems it becomes a bit difficult to go through the stages.

Building character doesn’t happen overnight. It is certainly not easy, and there is always room for improvement. This game serves as a great way to teach consistency and efficiency, while mom is cooking dinner or doing laundry. We all want our children to value the same ideals we do, and Quandary is a creative way to instill those beliefs! Do your kids already play Quandary? Tell us more about the experience in a comment!


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