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Paint Chip Peacock

Paint Chip Peacock

Source: PBS

Your little one is learning more about the animal kingdom each day, and here’s a cute craft to educate them about another creature, the beautiful peacock! This activity only takes about 15 minutes until your child has their own colorful creation!

Items Needed:

– 1 toilet paper roll
– 5-7 paint chips cards
– googley eyes
– acrylic paint (whichever color your little one wants for their peacocks body)paintbrush
– scissors
– glue
– scrap of yellow paper

1. First, take the paintbrush and paint your toilet paper roll.

2. Then, cut the color swatches about 2 inches by 6 inches to remove the color names.

3. Next, fan the swatches and glue on top of each other to make the tail.

4. After, glue the toilet paper roll to the swatches and let sit until completely dry.

5. Cut a small triangle from the yellow paper for the beak, and glue it to the toilet paper roll along with the googley eyes.

Now is the fun part, playtime! We hope you have a blast making your own little peacocks.

Via: PBS Parents

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