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Every year on April 22nd, Earth Day is celebrated in efforts to protect our environment. But it doesn’t have to be Earth Day to do something wonderful for our planet! Here are some activities you and your little ones can easily make into habits!
1. Recycle
One of the most important things that you can practice is recycling. Many cities and towns offer a recycling program. If your town doesn’t, you could always take your recyclable goods to a neighboring town. Educate your children about the effects of recycling, so hopefully they will continue this positive habit on their own.
Reusing items helps to minimize landfills, so especially for older children, encourage them to save items for longer, instead of throwing them away. For example, refill a container of water instead of grabbing a water bottle each time. Ziploc baggies and grocery bags are other items the family can reuse several times.
3. Reduce
When you’re shopping, buy items that have less packaging. A great activity to do with the kids is asking them if the item’s packaging you’re about to place in the cart is recyclable.
These few activities make a huge difference in protecting the environment, so make it Earth Day every day with your family! Have your own planet saving tricks? We always love hearing new ideas!
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