If your kids like spiders or not, they’ll love this fun 8-legged breakfast treat. Older kids can appreciate the detailed fractions in step 2 also!

If your kids like spiders or not, they’ll love this fun 8-legged breakfast treat. Older kids can appreciate the detailed fractions in step 2 also!
Fall in Houston means cooler weather and lots of festivals! Mark your calendars for these family friendly event in and around Houston! 1.Greek Festival, October 1-4, 2015, Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 3511 Yoakum Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77006 Each year in early October is the Greek Festival in Montrose! This is the place to eat, drink, […]
When’s the last time you read a math book? How about even looked closely at one? School’s back in session and soon homework will start to get the better of us all. But the problems should be IN the book. The book shouldn’t BE the problem! Get to Know the Book Get familiar with your child’s math […]
If you are looking for fun in Houston, Discovery Green is a sure bet for good, kid friendly events. The Fall 2015 schedule is up and looks to be even better than last year! The highlights are below! Toddler Tuesdays: Tuesdays, 10:30am – September 1 through October 27 Story time and activities with your favorite […]